Medium: Pencil and ink drawing on paper
Dimensions: 44 x 15″
Life, Afterlife is a piece about mortality and spiritual transcendence. It is an existential outlook at human insignificance in the grand scheme of the cosmos. Life, Afterlife seeks to question our place in the universe as a coincidental creation made up of nothing more than atoms. It seeks to emphasize on our mortality and fragile physicality. Life, Afterlife finds its inspiration from astronomer Carl Sagan’s famous quote about “the pale blue dot” and Hindu Vedantic philosophy. We are one among 86 lakh species living “on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam,” yet we relish on the ignorance of our insignificance in the endlessness of the cosmos. Life, Afterlife is about seeing beyond the illusion “Maya” and understanding the burden of “Samsara” and coming in-tune with the grandeur of the cosmos and the force that created it.